past event - exhibition
We call them vikings
In partnership with the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm (Historiska Museet)
From 793 to 1066 AD, the Vikings, simultaneously depicted as traders, looters, navigators and explorers, played a major role in much of Europe. They were originally from Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and some regions of Finland).
Much of our ‘recorded knowledge’ of the Vikings was written by their enemies of the time. Today, the notion of ‘Viking’ often refers to words such as ‘piracy’, ‘looting’ and ‘violence’. Yet we often have a false idea of these men of the North.
The exhibition offers a current look, based on the latest scientific discoveries and the updating of exceptional original objects covering a multitude of themes: religion and mythology, honour, funeral worship, life after death, arts and crafts, economics and trade, social fabric / identity of the individual, navigation and shipbuilding, the reputation of Viking warriors and the runes …